Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 1... Recovery!

Let's just say it has been a very festive holiday season in the Ariss household!  Obe and I have been eating lots of Christmas sweets and treats and lots of meals out and our bodies are paying for it.  We both gained weight and we've both been sick with colds TWICE in the past two months.  Isn't it amazing how the body reacts to abuse? 

So this first week is going to be a little bit like rehab...  we're going to replace the bad habits with good ones.  I'm going to focus on keeping the house full of whole foods to snack on instead of treats!  The candy bowls are getting filled with raw almonds, pistachios, dried cranberries, and dried figs to replace the mint M&M's and Hammond's peppermint pillows.  I'm also going to be doing some serious grocery shopping to replenish our fridge and pantry with lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. 

Over the next year, we will be posting pictures of all our dinners and we'll include recipes for every meal I prepare.  We'll also include our progress with weight-loss and general well-being, recommended cookbooks and reading material for inspiration, and helpful tips and hints for staying focused on eating well and cooking great meals.

We are so excited to start this adventure and share it with the world!  Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for our first good dinner of the year!


  1. more Hammond's peppermint pillows?

  2. I am so exxcited for this blog! I can't wait to try some of the recipes. Jacob and I could use a little detox as well. Happy New Year. Can we still go to brunch?

  3. we can DEFINITELY still go to brunch! Especially since P17 has healthy stuff like Veggie Pho to choose from.
